Rodeo embraces Western lifestyle with rifle and trap shooting

Light rifle and trap shooting are two of the newest specialty events to fall under the Manitoba High School Rodeo Association (MHSRA) umbrella and neither carries the requirement of owning or even riding a horse. Two local people responsible for helping to promote these events are Tyler and Pam Bond of Kenton.
“You don’t have to own a horse to participate in HSR,” said Pam of the MHSRA shooting events held locally at the Virden Trap Club and Wolverine Supplies gun range. “Kids with an interest in learning about firearms can just come and shoot, and potentially earn the opportunity to qualify for Canadian and National finals.”
Even though light rifle has been part of the MHSRA for five years, Pam, and her husband, Tyler, are responsible for bringing trap shooting – aka clay pigeon shooting – to the association just two and half years ago.
While most families involved with the shooting aspect are already involved with HSR in another capacity, Pam commented that they would like to see more kids pick up a gun and get involved in this controlled, stable, learning environment.
“We have some very skilled shooters in MHSRA,” she said. Some of these competitors will be attending Junior NHSRA finals in Des Moines, IA in June, or Rock Springs, WY in July for the Seniors.
Participants in the shooting events must have obtained their Hunter Education Certification as a prerequisite before they can begin shooting, or if they are under the age of 12, they must get an interim Hunter’s Safety permit and be supervised by an adult at all times. Light rifle is the only option for Grade 5 to 9 to compete in Junior HSR, and both light rifle and trap shooting are available as events for Grade 9 – 12. Strict adherence to the rules and safety policy is crucial for participants of the program. Adult supervision at all events is required, for obvious reasons. Most kids are very respectful of this and the reasons why the safety protocol is in place.
As much as the events are part of HSR, it is held in an independent location off-site of rodeo locations, but often in conjunction with the timing of a HSR in the area.
As is the case with other HSR events, participants must compete in 50 percent of the rodeos/shoots to qualify for provincial finals.
By including these two events in HSR, it gives youth and their families, an opportunity to partake in the Western lifestyle and entrench themselves in the culture that rodeo is known for.
Light rifle finals for the 2023/24 HS rodeo season were held near Virden on May 10. Trap shooting finals were held on June 4 to round out the year.