
Three Types Of AI Training That Every Organization Should Offer

Cal Al-Dhubaib is a globally recognized data scientist and Head of AI at Further, a privacy-first data, cloud, and AI company.

Unintended consequences plague the world of AI and machine learning. Many of the controversial cases in the news are a result of AI breaking in unexpected ways—from harmless users at best and intentionally harmful attackers at worst.

As AI solutions get more sophisticated, as I’ve written about previously, and the data we use with them gets more complex (e.g., documents, visual and audio data), there are more possibilities for AI to improve your team’s performance. However, bad actors are also improving in AI sophistication. This means an increase in their capacity to produce misinformation, mount phishing scams and launch cyberattacks—which can put your organization at serious risk.

Because of this, the need for adequate AI training programs to oversee and validate the safety and efficacy of AI solutions—and their users—is only going to increase in importance.

In this article, I break down the three essential AI training programs every organization should prioritize: safety, literacy and readiness.

AI Safety Training

You’ve probably heard about AI-synthesized voice scams, where criminals stage a kidnapping for a wired ransom. We’ve also seen plenty of attacks over the past few years where fraudsters impersonate a CEO, texting employees and asking for favors such as purchasing a gift card or travel ticket.

AI safety training prepares your workforce to recognize increasingly sophisticated AI-generated phishing attacks, scams and fake information. AI safety programs are multi-pronged, including:

1. How to recognize AI-enhanced attacks and pause to verify information.

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2. Reinforcing sensitive data handling and how to appropriately use language models and other generative applications that can accept documents and prompts as inputs.

Of course, all AI safety training should be aligned with broader organizational policies and procedures.

In speaking with my company’s clients, many have attempted to put an AI policy in place, and many others are considering it. Regardless of your progress, you should realize that you’re going to have to revisit and adapt this policy often.

Consider this example: Your organizational policy is to exclude any documents marked as sensitive. What’s defined as “sensitive” in a healthcare setting may be completely different than at an energy generation company.

My company has been working with an AI adoption platform to bridge some of this gap. This can help to align policies and procedures with customized knowledge checks to ensure users understand and can abide by the unique policy of an organization.

Protecting your team from AI’s potential pitfalls is like wrapping a new cyclist in bubble wrap: It might prevent scrapes and bruises but won’t prepare them for the challenges of mountain biking. That’s why we need to pair it with AI literacy and readiness.

AI Literacy Training

According to a 2020 TDWI survey, 35% of respondents said their organization’s data literacy is average, while the next-largest segment (34%) said their organization’s data literacy is low.

Data literacy, or understanding how to make decisions based on data, is related to AI literacy, which is making good decisions based on AI tools.

AI literacy helps your workforce to understand what to expect of AI—how harmful biases might occur, when it may be safe to trust the results of an AI solution and what questions to ask of vendors to sort hype from reality.

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Organizations must get their workforce up to speed on AI and data literacy. We’re now seeing our clients start to require training in basic AI safety before provisioning licenses to tools like ChatGPT.

You don’t have to start from square one with these resources, either. There are a ton of experts who have made this information available for us. I’m a big fan of Andrew Ng’s “AI for Everyone” course. He’s also since come up with “Generative AI for Everyone.” Cassie Kozyrkov has also produced a wonderful course on Decision Intelligence that focuses on learning to make more effective data-driven decisions in our increasingly automated world.

AI Readiness Training

Finally, AI readiness is empowering individuals with skills to confidently use AI tools to perform their work. AI readiness is usually one of the best ways to bridge the gap between expected performance and reality.

While AI safety training guards against misuse and errors, AI readiness prepares your team to use AI-infused tools to their fullest potential.

This training should be specialized by role and specific tool. For example, the Marketing AI Institute features content on how to use generative AI tools for content creation, such as Writer and Jasper. In another example, Allie K. Miller demonstrates how to use AI to 10x your productivity—in use cases beyond content creation. Additionally, there is a whole host of user-specific training on Coursera, including how to use Microsoft Co-Pilot for programmers and how to use ChatGPT for data analysis.


While 2023 was the year of the AI pilot, it seems 2024 is the year of AI adoption. And your best option for obtaining generative AI talent is to cultivate it from within. Deloitte reported that 72% of leaders said they expect generative AI to drive changes in their talent strategies sometime within the next two years, yet only 47% reported that they are sufficiently educating their employees on the capabilities, benefits and value of generative AI. What are they waiting for?

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Start with AI safety training. This should be a short 30-minute to one-hour program that is like your standard phishing training. This is the easiest to put in place—and it’s something your workforce needed yesterday.

Next, make AI literacy training available, especially to executives shaping policy and roles that are heavily influenced by AI and ML workflows. This will help build the intuition of your most critical users.

Finally, identify which AI tools and capabilities will experience the greatest use. Identify and align AI readiness training by role and function. This will be the biggest investment and yield the biggest rewards.

With these proven AI training types, your team can go from tricycle to mountain bike. It’s time to get moving.

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