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Rant & Rave: Reader reunited with newly adopted dog

RAVE to the village that helped bring our newly adopted dog, Betty, back home. On the day she was adopted, she bolted from the car and ran — so fast! — into the darkness. Although she was microchipped, still wearing a collar, tag, harness and leash, she was terrified and impossible to catch. We scoured the area every day and went on midnight searches. We plastered signs over much of the North End, posted “lost dog” photos and listed her most recent sightings on every social media platform we could think of. The Lost Dogs of King County Facebook page kept us focused and encouraged. Many people who saw Betty running loose took the time to contact us with info that helped us narrow the search. Complete strangers posted that they were looking for our missing dog on their own. After nine days, Betty was located in a backyard on Greenwood Avenue. Extra raves to both the person who found her for contacting us via the Lost Dogs Facebook page and to the landscaper who made sure Betty was contained. And rave to Timberline Veterinary for admitting her immediately and stabilizing her. Seattle dog lovers are the best!

RANT to a cable service for bombarding me with comeback offers after I discontinued my service. In the immortal words of Taylor Swift, “We are never, ever, ever getting back together.”

RAVE to the West Seattle youngster I encountered on a morning walk, who returned my “good morning” greeting with a similar greeting. Too often, kids never respond and just keep looking down. Rave to his parents as well for teaching him manners.

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RANT to the current light rail fare inspection process. The fare inspectors should be able to collect fares. When a train is coming, instead of searching for the pay machines, most people would rather take their chances of being inspected than miss the train. And they would gladly pay when inspected … if that were possible. The process is clunky and unclear. Most people who take mass transit are used to turnstiles or a bus driver.

RAVE to the Metro employee who gave me a ride when I took the bus to Palisade restaurant in Magnolia. The No. 33 bus let me off on the bridge and GPS did not indicate if I should take the ramp down to the waterfront or up (I guess) to the bluffs. I was completely lost. She offered to give me a ride to the restaurant. So grateful, thank you!

RANT to payment systems that default to 30% and higher tipping choices. New rule: If you suggest 30%, I’ll tip 15%.

RANT AND RAVE Rant to the excitable concertgoers who feel they have to get out of their seats to dance and sing to virtually every song. Maybe some of us like to sit back and let the music wash over us. Rave to those who like to just sit back and enjoy the music. No judgments!

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