A Glitch To Get Double Exotic Class Items In Destiny 2’s Secret Mission

Destiny 2
Getting the new exotic class items in Destiny 2 is proving to be a bit…tough. You have two options, either you can run the (extremely good) mission in about 25-40 minutes for a guaranteed drop each time, but that always requires a second player on mic, or you can spend an hour or so farming chests in the Pale Heart, which gets exhausting pretty quickly.
So if there’s a shortcut to more drops, players are going to take it, and that’s exactly what’s been found in the mission. At least before Bungie patches it, which I’m sure will probably happen by next week.
Here are the steps:
- You both must be the same class, double Titans, Warlocks or Hunters
- Beat the entire mission and reach the part where you get to the exotic rewards
- During the “choose peace or prepare for battle” part, you must choose peace
- Both players must then collect the same exotic class item at the exact same time. Timing has to be essentially exact, so I’d do a countdown or something
- Then, if you turn around you can see two pillars you can use in order to hop out of the arena and onto a wall ledge. This will trigger a Joining Allies message
- You will then be teleported back to the rewards area where you will need to once again time it so both of you are collecting the same exotic class item at the same time. This will net you both two items. But screwing up the collection timing may mess up the whole thing, so that’s the most important part.
Destiny 2
I would not expect this glitch to last for all that long, but I do think Bungie needs to consider some buffs to exotic class item collection. I have no problem with having players need to play the mission once to unlock the ability to farm the items, as everyone should play it, because it’s that good. However, this is not a normal exotic, and can roll with 60 combinations of perks. Assuming lots of repeats, having your only options be farming a timed mission where you must always have a second player on comms, or endlessly farming chests in the Pale Heart with a low drop rate is not ideal.
I’m not really sure how to solve the first problem (maybe just double drops overall? A second drop at a certain clear speed?), but I think the chests probably need a bit of a buff to their drop rate. Even with a bad luck system in place, it feels like an eternity. If you wanted all 60 combinations that’s 60 hours of just chest farming if you never get repeats, and obviously you would get loads.
Again, the mission is incredible, but the system to farm these class items needs some work given that unlock all other exotics, they have so many combinations to farm. There’s a reason people are overjoyed this double drop glitch exists.
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