
18 Best Practices For Optimizing AI And Cloud Computing Efficiency

Optimizing the efficiency of your AI and cloud computing is essential if you want to stay ahead of the competition while also driving business growth, productivity and security without increasing your costs and resource use.

Below, Forbes Technology Council members dive into the latest technologies and best practices you should consider implementing. From innovative AI workload management tools to cutting-edge cloud optimization strategies, these approaches can help you maximize performance while minimizing costs and resource consumption.

1. Remove Silos To Prepare For A Quantum Future

A quantum future is approaching, and leaders need to prepare now. It has the potential to drive massive productivity on its own, but when paired with AI, it can create a powerhouse of efficiency and security. Leaders need to start removing silos now to inform all teams about how strategic adoption can drive long-term success. – William Briggs, Deloitte Consulting

2. Utilize AIOps To Predict Potential Issues

One holistic approach to enhance AI and cloud computing efficiency is automation through AIOps. Automation can predict potential issues before they impact business operations through data analysis, streamlined workflows and reduced risk of human error. As a monitoring and predictive capability, automation prevents downtime, optimizes resource allocation and enhances security and compliance. – Akhilesh Tripathi, Digitate

3. Optimize Efficiency And Minimize Resource Duplication With Containerization

Containerization is one process that optimizes resource efficiency by isolating applications while sharing the same operating system. This process also minimizes the resource duplication and reduces the cloud costs. By using this, companies can test their AI models without wasting their valuable resources. – Asad Khan, LambdaTest Inc.

4. Reduce Waste And Costs With Serverless Computing Architectures

One effective practice is adopting serverless computing architectures. This approach allows companies to run applications and services without managing servers, which optimizes AI workloads by dynamically allocating resources based on demand, thereby reducing waste and costs. – Savitri Sagar, Kenzo Infotech

5. Emphasize The Importance Of Data Quality

One best practice for enhancing AI is implementing data-driven reports with full traceability, educating all employees on the importance of data quality and fostering a data-first culture over time. This approach ensures data sufficiency for effective AI usage, transforming organizational decision-making and enhancing strategic alignment and efficiency. – Ged Ossman, Interf

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6. Look Toward The Future Of Space-Based Technologies

In the future, space-based data centers will be used for cloud computing for terrestrial applications. These will be more efficient than earth-based data centers as they will be able to use passive radiative cooling and efficient laser-based networking, and can theoretically co-locate far more computing power than the terrestrial electrical grid allows. – Ezra Feilden, Lumen Orbit, Inc.

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7. Explore Neuromorphic Computing For Complex AI Tasks

Neuromorphic computing is an emerging technology that mimics the human brain’s structure and function, allowing for more efficient AI processing with lower energy consumption. Neuromorphic chips can help companies perform complex AI tasks at the edge, speeding up data processing and reducing cloud computing demands. – Sriram Panyam, DagKnows

8. Build In Escape Hatches For Common Workflows

Companies should consider building in “escape hatches” for common workflows. For example, if you deploy an internal AI chatbot for HR questions, you could anticipate the most common requests (e.g., request a pay stub or tax docs), and rather than have an AI decide what to do, direct the user to the process you have for pay stubs and tax docs. – James Ding, DraftWise

9. Leverage Unified Solutions Over Point Solution-Based AI

Like past technological waves, AI is setting up to be a race to the middle. That has played out with the cloud, and now we get less from each cloud investment, as people are overwhelmed by how much we’ve thrown at them. Leveraging unified versus point solution-based AI that sits on top of our cloud software can improve the efficiency of our cloud investments and ensure we get durable differentiation from AI. – Michael Haske,

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10. Develop A Well-Defined Data Catalog

A well-defined data catalog with rich metadata and semantics is crucial for spearheading GenAI-based solutions in companies. A data catalog enables more sophisticated data analytics and AI capabilities. It helps in automating the data preparation process and supports more advanced techniques like semantic search, which can be leveraged to build more powerful and effective GenAI solutions. – Faisal Fareed, Amazon Web Services

11. Use Smaller Language Models For A Lower Carbon Footprint

Smaller language models are more efficient, secure and able to scale economically with a lower carbon footprint. These closed models can be pre-trained on specific domains with AI workflows for the most optimized business processes while bringing a curated collection of information specific to your enterprise. – Venky Yerrapotu,

12. Segment AI Applications And Workloads Based On Cost

AI is a diverse technology with many applications that will entail many different deployment options that will be constantly changing as edge AI and cloud AI continue to evolve. Tech leaders should segment AI applications and workloads based on the cost (which includes IT or CSP’s energy cost) and determine where they are best run on-device, across edge infrastructure and cloud. – Leonard Lee, neXt Curve

13. Consider Distributed Computing

Distributed computing is certainly one of the key emerging technologies companies should consider to improve efficiency in their AI and cloud computing resource consumption. AI, especially generative AI and advanced AI research, can be incredibly computing-intensive. By applying advanced distributed computing techniques, businesses can orchestrate AI tasks to appropriate resources and reduce costs. – Humberto Farias, Concepta

14. Look Into Federated Learning To Reduce Centralized Storage Needs

One emerging technology to improve AI and cloud computing efficiency is federated learning. It enables models to be trained across multiple decentralized devices or servers, reducing the need for centralized data storage and massive computational power. This approach not only enhances data security but also optimizes resource usage by leveraging the computing power of edge devices. – Jiahao Sun,

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15. Consider LLMOps To Optimize LLM Use

Large language model operations (LLMOps) is an emerging category that can help provide for more efficient and optimized use of LLMs. Running these models can be expensive, which can make it challenging to achieve sufficient ROI as well as scale. LLMOps are essentially a framework that focuses on efficient resource allocation, tracking models, evaluating responses and improving inference. – Muddu Sudhakar, Aisera

16. Educate Employees On The Nuances Of Proper Prompts

Education on prompt engineering best practices is the most important way to improve companies’ efficient use of AI. AI is rapidly evolving, but in today’s environment, chatbot interfaces and the prompts that are used to get valuable output from today’s LLMs are critical to deriving value. Most employees treat them like search engines, do not understand the nuances of prompts and need training. – Michael Keithley, United Talent Agency

17. Focus On The Fundamentals

Zeroing in on the fundamentals of your business can be a powerful way to optimize resource consumption. By revisiting basic principles like clearly defining project goals, streamlining data pipelines and right-sizing cloud resources, you can ensure your AI and cloud investments are truly delivering value, facilitating efficiency gains and allowing teams to do more with less. – Todd Fisher, CallTrackingMetrics

18. Leverage Computing Power From Endpoint Devices

Not everything needs to be done in the cloud. There are a lot of computing resources sitting idle at every organization, every single day. Leveraging the computing power from endpoint devices brings back distributed computing at essentially no cost. – Elise Carmichael, Lakeside Software

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